The 65th Annual Blessing of the Fleet May 26


Destin’s 65th Annual Blessing of the Fleet will be held this year on Ascension Day, Thursday, May 26, 2022 at the docks behind Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer Restaurant on the Destin Harbor. The event begins at 4 p.m. with a Captains’ Worship and Prayer Service to be held under a large tent. The public is encouraged to attend. Following the service, around 5:15 p.m., local clergy will process to the dock to begin blessing those vessels which have pre-registered. All commercial fishing, safety and recreational vessels that make their living on the sea are invited to participate. Last year 140 fishing boats and vessels were blessed.

A community fish fry will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a suggested meal donation. Many community sponsors help make the Blessing of the Fleet possible. Our special thanks go to Aerial Seafood and Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer restaurant for making the fish fry possible. Thanks to the City of Destin, free parking will be available across the street from Brotula’s at the City Parking Lot on May 26th from 3 p.m.. – until. 65th Annual Blessing of the Fleet tee shirts will be on sale, near the docks on the day of the event.

To pre-register your vessel: If you and your vessel make your living on the sea and would like to receive a blessing, please register your watercraft by emailing, or by calling the church at 850-837-6324 with your vessel’s name, captain’s name, mailing address, email address and phone number.

Also during the week of Ascension Day, “Destin’s Week of Blessings” 18-year tradition offers additional faith-focused family-oriented events which create greater opportunities to bless and support the Destin community.

For more information on the Blessing of the Fleet, visit, contact Immanuel Anglican Church at or 850-837-6324. Immanuel Anglican Church is located at 250 Indian Bayou Trail in Destin, just north of the Nancy Weidenhamer Dog Park in Destin.

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