SWMA Announces 2018 Vacation Bible Schools


Summer is just around the corner, and that means it’s time for Vacation Bible School (VBS).  Several churches in our community host some great VBS events each year. So this year, the South Walton Ministry Association (S.W.M.A.) was led to reach out to all the churches in the SoWal area to request cooperation in sharing and promoting summer VBS events.  “We aim to provide a one-stop-shop for parents and grandparents to access information on this year’s VBS activities throughout South Walton,” says Scooter Ward, associate pastor of Community Church and secretary for the S.W.M.A.

We are so thankful that seven of the churches have pooled resources to communicate to everyone in our community the VBS dates, which span four weeks during the summer. As information was being collected from several of these churches, we identified curriculum that was shared and even had one church host a training session for any of the VBS workers—no matter the church affiliation. Pastor Scooter mentions, “The churches involved understand the mindset of building Christ’s church—not just our individual churches—and God is glorified when we all work together for His kingdom.

For example, two of the churches that are using the same curriculum are discussing ways to decorate and what crafts will be used. They plan to go in together and split costs to more efficiently utilize resources.” God is doing some great things in our SoWal churches and we hope this year’s VBS events will all be great successes in reaching others with the good news of Jesus Christ—the light of the world.

Here we have published the 2018 Vacation Bible School schedule to help you make your summer plans. We invite you to participate in the many VBS events listed, whether you bring kids, volunteer to help or both. Please visit each church’s website for more information and details. We hope to continue this initiative in the years to come and to recruit other churches to get involved. Our goal is that the entire SoWal community—both churched and unchurched—have access to all VBS events each year. We have taken the initiative; the opportunity to get involved is in your court!

Special thanks to Chapel at Crosspoint, Christ the King Episcopal, Destiny Worship Center, Community Church of Santa Rosa Beach, Good News United Methodist Church, Hope on the Beach Lutheran Church and Point Washington United Methodist Church for making the S.W.M.A. 2018 VBS initiative a great success.

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