Sinfonia Gulf Coast Youth Orchestra


It’s not too late to register for Sinfonia Youth Orchestra’s 2020-2021 season! Young musicians (3rd-12th grades) with experience in string, woodwind, brass and percussion can apply now.

2020-2021 weekly season rehearsals began in September at Destin Commons with special attention placed on social distancing. For more info or to register your child, visit or contact Aaron King Vaughn at (850) 460-8800 or

The Sinfonia Youth Orchestra program is the premier training orchestra in Northwest Florida and consists of more than 50 students who perform throughout the school year in one of two ensembles: The Sinfonietta Strings and the Sinfonia Youth Orchestra. Join both for a live performance Oct. 11 at Destin Commons at 1:45 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

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