Self-Care Corner: Live Intentional. Reset for Fall.


Krisy Beverly Hills Day SpaBy Krisy Anderson, Beverly Hills Day Spa Owner

Self-Care is more than a what we commonly refer to it as. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting your well-being—emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, socially and spiritually. So, live intentionally!

Emotional Mental

Acknowledge the power of your mind. Practice journaling, meditation, reflection or a BIG one–saying “No.” Read or watch something funny—laughter is the best medicine! Listen to uplifting and inspirational music. Paint or color. Or just be still.


Start where you are—any amount of savings can make a difference! Budget (review bills), plan for the future, know your credit score. Set goals: short-term, medium-term, long-term-and stick to them.


Use food as a tool for healing and energy, not comfort. Move your body. Exercise to keep your body healthy and strong. Sleep and allow your body to REST. Walk outdoors and enjoy nature.


Make a list of things you like to do that are only about YOU. Spend time reconnecting with friends and family. Follow through with the commitments you make to yourself. Turn off all electronics, even if just for a while.


Read uplifting content, pray, meditate, rest, have daily quiet time. Attend church or uplifting, inspirational services to connect with others.

Self-Care is a priority and necessity—not a luxury. Fall is a great time of year to take a break, rest and relax with an afternoon of pampering—to reset! Schedule time to enjoy your own self-care at Beverly Hills Day Spa! Visit or call me at (850) 654-8544. 114 Palmetto Dr., Suite 6, Destin, 32541, on Tuesday – Saturday 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.

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