Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast Welcomes First Baby of 2018


With the arrival of Kaylani Toro, Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast welcomed the first baby of 2018 at the Family Birth Place. While many folks were ringing in the New Year with friends and family, one local woman was counting down the moments as she labored to bring her first child into the world. Kaylani Toro, became the first 2018 birth in Okaloosa/Walton County, born at 2:24 a.m. on New Year’s Day. “I think she had it all planned out, she knew when she wanted to come,” said Kayla Schoenstein, Kaylani’s mother.
With her due date of Dec. 28 already past, Schoenstein went into labor the day before New Year’s Eve. “I labored at home for a long time and then we headed for the hospital. My contractions were 7 minutes apart when we arrived,” said Schoenstein. “We made it to the Family Birth Place around 8 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, and I was dilated to 5 cm.” While she was in labor, Kayla’s nurses moved her bed to the window so she could see the fireworks from the Village of Baytowne Wharf.

Accompanied by the baby’s father Javiel Toro, Schoenstein knew just a little of what to expect in the delivery room. Being her first baby and having taken no birthing classes, the staff walked her through each step. “The actual delivery went much faster than I thought it would,” said Schoenstein. “Nothing can top this New Year’s Eve. I’m excited to start the New Year with her.”

With a full head of dark hair, Kaylani surprised her mother. “Now she’s awake and alert, but she’s not as active as she was in my stomach,” said Schoenstein. Kaylani came into the world at 7 pounds 7.5 ounces and 20 and a half inches long. Kaylani was delivered by Dr. Anne-Marie Whitlock, OBGYN with Sacred Heart Medical Group.

“We see more than 1300 births each year at the Family Birth Place and each one is a celebration for the family. As a New Year’s baby, Kaylani’s birthday will now get double the celebrations for many years to come,” said Roger Hall, president of Sacred Heart Hospital on the Emerald Coast. “Each year will bring a new beginning for her in more ways than one.”


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