Relax. Recharge. Reflect. At Float Brothers


By Lori Smith, Publisher,
and Lisa Turpin, Health & Wellness Coach

I wanted to float. But I had a fear of the unknown. Now, I wish I had done it sooner…

Are you aware of the lifestyle benefits floating promises? They include lasting calm and relaxation, heightened creative thought, stress relief, help with depression, better sleep, pain relief, muscle recovery, immune system boost and greater suppleness of skin.

Not one to shy away from something that offers so many proven positives, I mustered up the courage, and went to my first float. I was greeted by Jamie, shown a brief video of what to expect, then escorted to a private float room dubbed the “Nature” room.” Inside was an egg-like chamber filled with about 1½ feet of warm water, heated to mimic my exact body temperature (93.5 degrees) and 1000 lbs. of Epsom salts.

My day of reckoning had come.

I climbed inside and immersed myself in the comfortable water; I began to float…and float…and float—with soothing music and lights on. (You control whether you want the tub open, partially open or all the way closed. You also control the type of music, light color or none with complete quiet and darkness. And don’t worry—the tub doesn’t lock.) After about 30 minutes, I felt my body relaxing even deeper. It seemed like perfect tranquility, completely buoyant with no pull of gravity, sight, sound or touch.

As an on-the-go publisher who receives an average of 600 emails a day and is continually inundated with deadlines, it takes a lot for me to stop and just be—to really let go of the many demands. I thought I would be bored being so still for 60 minutes. Not so. My body became deeply calm and the time flew. Afterward, I felt more balanced and more-than-ready to tackle any challenge. I’ve also slept very well since.

Even though it’s a newer concept in our area, float therapy has actually been around since the 1950’s, but stayed relatively away from mainstream use due to lack of knowledge of the therapy and the benefits it provides outside of modern medicine. You enter the tank either nude or in a swimsuit, wearing earplugs. You then lie back and float. Epsom salts are added to make the water as dense as the Dead Sea, making it easy to remain buoyant.

Free of light, sound and other distractions, it provides physical, mental and emotional rejuvenation. Once I entered the tank, I was completely cut off from the rest of the world, prompting my mind and body to enter into a deeply relaxed state. Within a few minutes, I lost the sensation of where my body stopped and the water started—just me and my thoughts lingered.

NFL Players, Olympians, celebrities are now “floating” as well as moms and business professionals—all carving out 60 minutes for a battery recharge to handle everyday hurdles.

Studies galore prove the benefits of floating. Military research shows float therapy helps those with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). “Mentally, floating causes your brain waves to shift more positively and strongly for better mental clarity and focus,” says Michael Hineline, owner. “You might notice an increase in creativity and problem-solving ability, an intense acuteness of all senses, accelerated learning, and diminished depression, stress, anxiety and fear.” The U.S. and Sweden have published results showing reduction of both pain and stress. “The relaxed state can also lower blood pressure, encourage maximum blood flow, enhance athletic performance and shorten recovery time,” says Michael. Jamie says the more you come, you’re able to get into the completely relaxed state sooner. “Getting out of fight-or-flight state (stress) and getting into theta state (rest and restore), helps to rewire and remap the way your brain works,” she says. “Your body is able to repair while you rest.”

One reason for these valuable and glorious benefits is the pharmaceutical-grade Epsom salts, which also keep you afloat. Epsom salt is made up of two minerals: Magnesium and Sulfate—not salt at all. Magnesium is responsible for regulating more than 325 body functions, assisting in important nerve functions. Magnesium also reduces inflammation all over the body which benefits your arteries, joints, muscle and fascia tissue. Both Magnesium and Sulfate help regulate cell electrolyte and fluid balance. Sulfates have been shown to help resolve headaches and flush the body of toxins. In recent years, Magnesium has become a top nutritional deficiency in many people. But one of the most efficient ways of absorbing it is through the skin, making float therapy an excellent way to get these important nutrients into your body— and quickly.

Float Brothers is open daily 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.; closed Wednesday.

Have you experienced float therapy yet? What are you waiting for? Visit for more information or to book your appointment.

4495 Commons Dr., Destin | 850-460-8720 |

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