Registration Open for the 2023 Seaside Race Weekend


Celebrating the 21st year of racing, The Seaside School Half Marathon & 5K registration has begun for the Feb. 17-19, 2023 Race Weekend, one of longest consecutive running events and top grossing fundraisers in Northwest Florida. The charitable cause, which draws participants from all over the country, has helped fund The Seaside School, Inc., one of the first and now the oldest operating public charter schools in Florida.

The three-day charity Race Weekend kicks off with the coastal cuisine event Taste of the Race on Friday night, then proceeds to a fun-for-all-ages Race Expo on Saturday, and culminates on Sunday morning with the running of the half marathon and 5K along the iconic Highway 30A starting and finishing in Seaside.

Funds raised benefit The Seaside School Foundation. 5K registration is $95; half marathon is $125. Race registrants will receive the following items: a Vera Bradley® Grand Tote in Plum Pansies, a virtual goody bag full of surprises, an iconic race shirt designed by Billie Gaffrey, a customized playlist and half marathon finishers will receive a unique finisher medal.

Registration options can be found at

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