I get asked a lot – do you have any publicity tips — Here are a few suggestions.
Use your publicity as marketing tools to help build your credibility for your company and make it easier for you to sell your products and services.
Of course be sure to link to them on your websites, and where possible, embed the article or video right inside a website page. Be sure to get permission from the author ahead of time. This strategy will enhance your website’s content, and also boost being found in search results.
Google and YouTube both have pretty complex algorithms for choosing search results and ordering them by relevance. You don’t have to understand everything there is to know about those algorithms, though. You just have to know your properly placed keywords and increased views will boost your videos’ relevance in searches. These keywords can be what you do, or your company name, or the subject of the article or tv spot.
Changing Marketplace – Video
Whether you like it or not, chances are you’ll wind up watching even more online video this year than last. This is guaranteed to happen partly because there will simply be more of it. Video will be more ubiquitous than before, as more and more platforms start pushing it and competing for your attention.
Facebook live is taking off rapidly, now enabling business to use it to sell products, services, and stay in front of customers old and new. Their notifications for “Betty just went Live” have people tuning in for at least the first few seconds to see what’s up. That response can lead to sales and exposure, along with one crucial factor, engaging in conversation with the viewer. People respond incredibly positively to stories. Not only are they engaging and memorable, but viewers don’t feel like they’re being sold to. The key to charming an audience and getting viewers on your side is to stop talking to them like they’re customers and entertain them. Some folks are broadcasting “how to” videos or even opening pearl oysters live and allocating the pearl finds to people who comment on the video. Amazing!
As quality and skills in making video increases, you’ll be more entertained than ever before. Facebook loves to keep you on their site all day, and the result is going to be more business using live video, and more people binge watching it !
Pay close attention to the script, as well as the presenter’s body language and facial expressions. It takes time and patience to become a good storyteller. When you nail it, you’ll be able to put together awesome video campaigns that charm viewers and create real connections.
A good video will create a rapport between brand and viewer. In order to establish a rapport, you need to elicit an emotional response from your audience. If your goal is to get them to share the video, you’ll need to be clear about the response you want from them and how you’re going to provoke it. However you decide to do it, the golden rule is to be genuine and authentic.
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