Pets Looking for a Home for Christmas


PAWS dog“I’ll be home for Christmas,” is something pets at the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) are hoping Santa will help them sing (in barks and meows).

Play Santa, so they won’t sing “Blue Christmas” instead.

Dressed in their holiday finery — there’s even a half-antler costume representing the Grinch’s dog, Max — PAWS pets will be showing their sweet Christmas spirit at the following events throughout December:

Home for the Pawlidays — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 7 at the shelter, 752 Lovejoy Road NW, Fort Walton Beach. Sip some hot chocolate and get a picture with Santa Paws, too!

Finals Week De-Stress — 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 11 on the lawn at Northwest Florida State College, 100 E. College Blvd., Niceville. Our dogs are helping the students chillax a little during finals week by offering furry snuggles and kisses.

Yule of Yesteryear — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Heritage Museum of Northwest Florida, 115 Westview Ave., Valparaiso. Not looking for a pet, but want to help out? We’ll have a booth with a giving tree and gifts for sale at this annual celebration. The festival features food and crafts from local restaurants and artisans.

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