Path of Grace held Groundbreaking on Women’s Recovery Facilities in Santa Rosa Beach


    Path of Grace held Groundbreaking on Women’s Recovery Facilities in Santa Rosa Beach

    Women’s addiction recovery program will liberate one-third more women from addiction with increased capacity.

    Path of Grace 501c3 women’s recovery program showcased its architectural drawings and broke ground on two new residential treatment centers during a private groundbreaking ceremony held at 9:00a.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2017 in Santa Rosa Beach. Joined by over 75 supporters, the long-awaited emotional event marked the culmination of a dedicated board and staff in securing a substantial donation needed in order to begin construction and kick-off a $1 million dollar capital campaign to continue raising money for the project. Thanks to The Dugas Family Foundation’s $125,000 gift, the organization’s two years of planning were set to motion.

    Path of Grace Groundbreaking (left to right- Sheriff Adkinson, Charlie Earles, John Crunk, Jens Bach, Valerie Peterson, Tiffany Garner, Brandee Wilson, Ruth and Paul Jones, Eddie Mansfield, David Seering)

    The groundbreaking date was set to bring attention to April’s National Alcohol Awareness Month. The fourth preventable cause of death in the United States yet more than 26,000 women die every year from the disease. In November 2016, the U.S. Surgeon General released the first-ever Alcohol, Drug & Health and stated “addiction is a bigger health problem than cancer.” The non-profit’s affordable program expansion is needed now more than ever. Opening the ceremony,board member David Seering introduced Brandee Wilson, one of two assistant directors, who began with a prayer and blessing.

    Managing Director Eddie Mansfield with Walton County Sheriff Adkinson

    Path of Grace was founded in 2008 by a group of individuals who saw a need for an affordable women’s addiction program in Walton County. On a mission to help women struggling with drug and alcohol use, the organization began with one residence in Freeport and a capacity of six women. Today, the organization has four homes with 26 women and three children. Through sales from its two thrift stores –located in Miramar Beach and Destin–the organization provides an affordable, long-term sober living environment for women, liberating their lives from addiction. Over 80 women have graduated the program to date. The faith-based recovery program is nine to 24 months long and incorporates a twelve-step program into its unique structure. Eddie Mansfield stated their success rate is 100 percent for clients who graduated after the full length in the program, and they maintain a success rate for all other graduates of nearly twice the national average, with 70 to 75 percent still living in sobriety.


    Funding to begin construction has been provided but Path of Grace is seeking donations to cover remaining costs of the facility project and repairs needed on the current homes. In addition to financial donations, in-kind gifts for construction and building are also welcomed. The organization is selling naming rights to the homes, memorial brick pavers, and additional acknowledgement levels.

    Donations can be made online at or by contacting the Managing Director Eddie Mansfield at (850) 974-4573. If you or someone you love suffers from addiction, please call Path of Grace at (850) 974-4573 to start on the path to recovery.

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