Mosquito Spraying Under Way


Okaloosa County recently began its evening treatment schedule of spraying pesticide to control mosquito populations. Treatments begin one hour before sunset and/or in the hour after sunrise. Surveillance activities may indicate certain types of mosquitoes known to be disease vectors that are active during time periods other than noted. If this is the case, the county will respond appropriately. In Destin, spraying takes place on Mondays (County Line to Airport Rd.) and Tuesdays (Airport Rd. to Destin Bridge).

Residents are also reminded to have outdoor animals vaccinated against mosquito-borne disease and have dogs treated for heartworms since certain mosquitoes present in Okaloosa County carry the disease as well.

Mosquito spray schedule, preventative tips and other related information are available on the county’s website at

The Okaloosa County Mosquito Control Division of Public Works is open Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and may be reached at 651-7394 or 689-5772.

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