Miss Destin 2022: Ella Kathryn Campbell


Hi! I am Ella Kathryn Campbell. It’s an honor to serve the city of Destin, my hometown, at the upcoming rodeo and all throughout the year. I’ve spent a majority of my life in Destin. I’m the daughter of James and Julie Campbell. I have two younger siblings Caroline and James Campbell and two more if you count my dog and cat Smokey and Bandit!

I am a senior at Fort Walton Beach High School. I am a member of many different clubs, most of which serve our community in all aspects, my favorite being Lady Viking in which we support our sports teams and school spirit! I’m also involved in our Leadership class, in which we do various activities throughout the year aiding our community and school.
After graduating from high school, I plan to study Marine Biology in college! My love for fishing and Destin has served as a passion and hopefully a career one day!

Outside of school, my two major passions are being involved in my church and horseback riding.

Destin United Methodist has been a second home to me and has made me the leader I am now. From the children’s ministry to the youth group throughout the years, they have taught me so much. I have served on our leadership team for the last three years. After many mission trips over the years, I have to say that my favorite was Costa Rica the summer of 2021. Even though we had to utilize all of the safety precautions for Covid (including masking everywhere!), it was a wonderful week serving the Lord!

At four years old, I was introduced to horseback riding by my dad and have competed for almost eight years now and plan to always have it in my life! This will also be my eighth year at horse camp Valley View Ranch where I will be a counselor this year! Horseback riding has given me confidence and strength and a love for animals that made me who I am.

I have so much to look forward to in the future. With many changes ahead of me, I look forward to using this opportunity to connect with locals and vacationers alike—anyone with a deep love for my hometown—Destin, Florida!

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