Life-Saving Rescue Tubes Installed on Destin Beaches


By Lori Leath Smith

Destin’s beaches just got a little safer, thanks to a new initiative from the Rotary Club of Destin and the City of Destin. On February 15, eight Public Rescue Tubes (PRTs) were installed at key beach access points—just in time for spring break. These bright yellow flotation devices are designed to assist in water rescues, helping save lives while helping to protect Good Samaritans from becoming victims themselves.

Beach safety, community

A Community Effort to Prevent Drownings

The idea took shape in September 2024, when Destin Rotarians Dion Moniz and Wayne Bernheisel proposed the project to the Destin City Council. Inspired by a similar effort in Navarre Beach, they partnered with the Rescue Tube Foundation, a global organization dedicated to preventing drowning deaths. The City Council unanimously approved the installation, setting the project into motion.

Thanks to overwhelming community support, sponsorship slots—priced at $500 each—sold out within hours. Each sponsor’s name is proudly displayed at the tube stations, reinforcing the local commitment to beach safety.

Why These Tubes Matter

Drowning is a silent killer and a global crisis:

• 236,000 drowning deaths occur worldwide every year.

• It’s the third leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide.

• It’s the #1 cause of death for children aged 1-4.

• In Florida alone, 464 accidental drownings occurred in 2022.

• Many area beaches lack lifeguards or have limited coverage.

• Rescuing someone without proper equipment is dangerous, often resulting in double tragedies.

The Impact of Public Rescue Tubes:

• 25 years of data proves their effectiveness.

• 200+ documented rescues using rescue tubes.

• Zero rescuer deaths in areas where tubes are installed.

• Approved by Destin lifeguards.

• Funded and maintained by the Rotary Club of Destin.

By bringing rescue tubes to Destin, the Rotary Club is joining a life-saving movement already in place throughout the U.S. and Canada. Their mission? Fewer drownings, safer beaches and a stronger community.

Want to see more installation in action? Check out the City of Destin’s official Facebook page:

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