Legendary Marine 5th Annual Billy Bowlegs Poker Run June 20


kids at poker run stopHall of Fame Dealer Legendary Marine will host its 5th Annual Billy Bowlegs Poker Run on Saturday, June 20. Legendary Marine, Legendary Marina and Lulu’s Destin have partnered again on this annual poker run to benefit Emerald Coast Autism Center and the William Augustus Bowles Foundation. “This event was started by Legendary Marine to get their customers to explore unique destinations in the Choctawhatchee Bay area. Upon planning, it was realized that it was a platform to help local charities and we decided to involve ECAC and WAB Foundation,” stated Todd Royall, general sales manager. “This poker run has turned into a wonderful family event that encourages safe boating and gives back to local organizations.” The combination of both 501c3 local charities enhanced this family friendly event by increasing the number of participants and setting forth the course to grow into a larger community and destination event.

This event provides an opportunity for boaters new and experienced to visit and become familiar with places to go by boat along Choctawhatchee Bay in Fort Walton Beach, Destin and Niceville areas. The event will kick-off on Friday, June 19th with a Captain’s Party at The Gulf on Okaloosa Island. On the day of the event, Stops will be open from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. This allows for entrants to start wherever they choose. The final stop will be Lulu’s Destin and Legendary Marine where the Poker Run Party will take place with raffles, a silent auction, kids’ activities and more. Prizes will also be awarded for Best Decorated Themed Boat and Krewe!

To register go to Billy Bowlegs Poker Run or Legendary Marine Facebook event pages and click on the link. Or you may stop by Legendary Marine Showroom at 4601 Legendary Marina Drive, Destin to register in person.

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