Introducing “SoWal Connections” – a Resource Guide for 2nd Home / Out-of State property owners


SoWal Life is pleased to introduce “Sowal Connections”, a guide designed to put absentee, out-of-State property owners in touch with local contractors, property managers and other local service providers 2nd home / absentee owners will need keeping their properties in tip top condition.

Each month, SoWal Life reaches via direct mail approx. 25,000 South Walton residents and businesses. Beginning in April 2018, The paper will include a new section specifically designed for 2nd Homeowners and Vacation Rental By Owners. In addition, the Paper will be mailed to 1500 Out of State property owners each month for four months, reaching every South Walton property Owner (6,000) over the four months.

Advertising rates begin at 80.00 per month for 3 months and, for a limited time, receive the 4th month free!

See rate Card Here:   SoWal Connections Rate Card

Call Dave White 850-399-0228 or email



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