HolySmokes! Amateur BBQ Cook-Off Nov. 13


Calling Destin’s best amateur BBQ chefs! The fourth annual HolySmokes! BBQ Cook-off will be held Sat., Nov. 13 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on the back lawn at Immanuel Anglican Church. BBQ tastings, live music, good food and great fun will be available for all to enjoy.

You are invited to establish your team of two or more members which may represent a company, as long as the company is not in the food industry. Teams are encouraged to create a fun team name such as “Burnt Offerings,” “May the Sauce be with You” or “Grilluminati” and to serve at least 200 (.75-1 oz.) samples of prepared BBQ meat (chicken, pork, beef, fish, anything goes!).

Awards will be given for People’s Choice (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and Most Creative Station (based on fun-factor creativity). Sponsorship opportunities are also available at three levels: Select (in-kind product donation), Choice ($100) or Prime ($250) with sponsor logos printed on the annual T-shirts.

To enter your team or sponsor the event, online and downloadable forms are available at iacdestin.org/holysmokes. Printed forms can also be picked up at Immanuel’s church office.
Attendees will be asked to bring a non-perishable food item, baby wipes or diapers to benefit Harvest House of Destin. Last year, Harvest House executive director Lori Joyner stated, “We were so grateful for being the recipient. We received a large amount of food, diapers, baby wipes and more than $880 in donations! HolySmokes! 3.0 was an awesome, amazing event — I suggest that everybody attends next year!”

Who is the best amateur BBQ chef in Destin? Maybe this year, it’s YOU!

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