“Gabby Bruce You Make A Difference” Award!


By Donna Montalvo

As A2Z Specialty Advertising Inc. continues to remember and celebrate the life of local legend, Gabby Bruce, Trisha Marks, Client and Community Relations Manager with SimpleHR writes, “There are many things in our community that make me smile and remember Gabby Bruce! I consider myself blessed to have known Gabby and am grateful to have also called him my friend. Losing a loved one is an emotional roller coaster, but being able to share and honor their memory makes each day a little brighter. This is what Gabby Bruce was, and continues to be about. After speaking to him about ordering team T-shirts in memory of my son, Robbie, for the American Suicide Prevention walk, he did not hesitate to make sure my order was not only delivered on time, but also would not allow me to pay for them. He continues to be a ray of sunshine through his wife, Debbie, and A2Z Advertising by presenting the “Gabby Bruce You Make a Difference Award” throughout our community. Thank you Gabby, Debbie, Donna and A2Z Specialty Advertising for all that YOU do!”

Each month we will include a story from someone who has worked alongside Gabby, so you can see the kind of impact he had and continues to have in our community! By May 2022, we will have presented 12 awards to local businesses who have made an impact by their generosity and personifies Gabby’s giving back to our community.

The next winner of the “Gabby Bruce You Make A Difference” award will be presented to the White Wilson Medical Center at the Destin Chamber of Commerce’s Business Before Hours on August 13th.

White Wilson Medical Center (WWMC) has been providing health care services to Florida’s Emerald Coast for over 75 years. In 2012, they formed the White-Wilson Community Foundation to help improve healthcare in Okaloosa, Walton and Santa Rosa Counties through service and education. The Little Black Dress Party, WWMC’s annual fundraiser, was formed in 2010 to raise awareness regarding the importance of preventive healthcare, specifically in regard to women’s health. There has been a drastic decline in preventive healthcare nationwide, and they believe that the most effective way to offset diseases like breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis is through early detection.

WWMC’s vision is to make our community the healthiest place on earth, and they are well on their way!

Their next Little Black Dress Party is set for September 2022.

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