From the City of Destin


By Catherine Card, Public Information Manager

Annual Parking, Henderson Beach and Joe’s Bayou Boat Launch Passes Available to Destin Residents
Residents who reside full-time within the incorporated area of Destin are eligible to receive up to two free Resident Annual parking passes (per household) for use in paid parking areas along Scenic Hwy. 98 in Crystal Beach, Gulf Shore Drive in Holiday Isle and the Harbor District. Passes are available at city hall and online.

All City of Destin residents who reside within the incorporated city limits of Destin are eligible to purchase an annual resident beach pass from the city for $30 (valid Jan. 1-Dec. 31). The fee for senior citizens age 65 and up is $25. This pass is only valid at Henderson Beach State Park. Residents must provide proof of residency at the time of purchase. Passes may be obtained at Destin City Hall or the Destin Community Center.

Free annual Joe’s Bayou Boat Launch passes are available for Destin residents who reside within the incorporated city limits of Destin (one pass per household). Passes can be obtained at Destin City Hall or the Destin Community Center. Residents must provide a valid driver license showing Destin residency, as well as their boat and trailer registration information. Residents may purchase additional boat launch passes for $50 each. The daily fee for non-pass holders is $20. Non-residents may purchase annual Joe’s Bayou Boat Launch passes for $205 each. Boat registration must be provided. If a trailer registration is applicable to your state, please provide the registration as well.

All passes are available to obtain online at To find out if you live in the incorporated area of Destin please visit For more information, please call Destin City Hall at 850.837.4242.

City of Destin to Host Coed Registration Softball Leagues
Beginning March 9th, the City of Destin will host Coed Recreation Softball Leagues on Wednesday nights. Space is limited to the first 16 teams. The team fee is $275 and must be paid before the team is placed on the schedule. The last day to register a team is March 2nd. Individual fees are $40, with a $20 discount offered to Destin residents (proof of residency required). There will be a $10 discount to players who sign up for the men’s league. Individual fees must be paid before a player is eligible to play and all players must be at least 17 to participate. For more information, please call 850-654-5184 or email

Free AARP Tax Aide Service at the Destin Library
The Destin Library is teaming up again with AARP to provide free tax preparation services. You do not need to be a member of AARP to use the Tax-Aide program. Tax volunteers can prepare simple federal returns (no state returns or federal returns with rental income). Appointments are available every Thursday beginning February 3 and ending March 24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You will need to bring a copy of your 2021 tax return, a photo ID, and our Social Security card to the appointment. Call 850-837-8572 to schedule or schedule in person.

City of Destin’s 16th Annual Spring Craft Show
The City of Destin’s 16th Annual Spring Craft Show will be held at the Destin Community Center on Friday, Feb. 11, from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 12 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. More than 50 vendors with hand-crafted jewelry, wood carvings, paintings, food items and more will be displaying. Vendor booths are available for $45 for Destin residents and $55 for non-residents. Register early, as space is limited. FREE admission. Call 850-654-5184 for more information.

Winter Movie Series Continues at the Destin Library
Every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. you are invited to enjoy a free movie and complimentary popcorn. Film fans are welcome to bring their own movie-friendly snacks and beverages with tight lids. Seats fill up fast, so arrive early.

Upcoming Lineup:

2/23 – Searching for Sugar Man (2012, Documentary)
3/2 – Little Women
3/9 – The Thin Man

*Movies are subject to change based on availability at the time of the showing.
For more information, call 850-837-8572 or email

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