From Okaloosa County Superintendent Marcus Chambers, Sept. 2021


Okaloosa Superintendent ChambersThe 2021-2022 school year in the Okaloosa County School District has begun! As we enter our second month of school, our employees are busy ensuring that every student receives a world-class education in a safe environment. We are focused on the mental health of our students as it is impossible to ignore that everyone in our community is currently facing major challenges. I am proud to be a part of team OCSD as I know every teacher, staff member, administrator, bus driver, parent and community member is here to make sure that every child has what they need to be successful in life. Thank you all for taking the initiative to do what it takes to make a difference in the lives of our students!

For many students, school is more than an education; it is a safe place to connect with friends, obtain healthy meals, and grow into an empowered individual that will positively impact their families, communities and the world. We have several opportunities including Kids C.O.D.E. and other Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, organizations like HOPE Squad, a group that focuses on suicide prevention and will be active in every school in Okaloosa County soon, and State Championship athletic and music programs that students can participate in.

Parents, thank you for trusting us with your child’s education every day. Your child is our priority and every decision made is based on their safety and education. Your partnership during these difficult times has been invaluable as you have stepped into new roles you didn’t have prior to this pandemic. We could not do this without you!

Without our community, the Okaloosa County School District would not be the A+ School District that it is. The relationships that we have and are building with individuals and businesses is so important as we strengthen the education and opportunities we provide our students, especially during these difficult times. Thank you to those of you who have invested in our students and schools.

Every stakeholder in this district is a member of team OCSD and without the entire community, we would not be the district that we are, setting a positive example for other districts across the nation. I hope that you enjoy the Fall season in Okaloosa County as much as I do and appreciate all your support in every way you have provided it. We live in the best community!

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