From City of Destin Sept. 2022


Catherine Card, Public Information Manager

A friendly reminder to our residents and visitors:
We know that throughout Destin not all streetscapes and sidewalks are the same. We encourage everyone to be mindful of not obstructing sidewalks and bike lanes so they can be used for their intended purpose to keep our walkers and bicyclists safe.

– Please place trash cans within five feet of the edge of the road.
– Please do not park vehicles, motorcycles, boats, and trailers on sidewalks. Those who are found in violation may be issued a ticket.

For more information, visit the FAQ page at

Sustainable September at the Destin Library
The Destin Library presents Sustainable September, with activities for all ages that teach how to transform unused items around your home into upcycled tools and treasures. Reuse your today so you don’t have to reduce your tomorrow!

To kick-off the month-long program, beginning Sept. 1, the library invites you to bring in your clean, plastic grocery bags and in return, you will receive a free, reusable tote. Unload those plastic bags you’ve been accumulating. There is a limit of one tote per family and supplies are limited.

For more information, contact the Destin Library at (850) 837-8572 or

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