“Food for Thought” Reaches Out


food for thought logoFood For Thought’s current enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year is up 62% from this same time last year, reaching over 1,600 students  in Walton and Okaloosa Counties.  This growth is generated from the schools in Defuniak Springs and Fort Walton Beach that are new to our program this school year and by general school population increases. We are committed to providing the critical access to healthy, easy to prepare foods the children need and we know our community will support our efforts.  Currently, we need additional volunteers who can drive to our schools to delivery and distribute our weekly services. Volunteers who can help drive even once a month, are welcome! We are so grateful to provide children in our community the reassurance of healthy food on the weekends and we absolutely could not do it without our volunteers.  We love working with families, corporate groups, church groups, friend groups, and individuals!  


In support of our growth, Food For Thought Outreach is now hiring a Full Time Operations Manager. Qualified candidates will excel in a fast, changing workplace while managing multiple projects, priorities and deadlines. Additionally this candidate would have strong communication & current computer skills. As with any member of our team, a passion for our purpose fighting childhood hunger is a must. Qualified candidates can submit their resume to tiffanie@fftfl.org and a full description of the position can be found at www.fftfl.org

sponsor a family

Party For A Purpose!

This year’s Stock the Pantry Party was a huge success!  With over 300 people in attendance along with 32 generous community sponsors, FFT was able to raise $10,000 and 56,000 food items to help fight childhood hunger.  Congratulations to Ohana Institute for their second year victory in the food drive challenge! And a HUGE Thank You to Mellow Mushroom for providing their Bake Bus at the event!

Annual Membership

For just $90 a year, you can make a significant impact in our fight against child hunger.  Members will be invited to an annual membership party on Thursday, May 19th at our Santa Rosa Beach pantry where they will receive their “Food For Thought Advocate Packet.”
annual membership


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