Finding Yourself and Your Ancestors


By JoDell Haverfield, Have Travel Memories

As we begin planning trips again, many of us will be seeking opportunities to explore who we are, how we got here, and what we can learn from those who came before us. Whether you’re tracing your genealogical history, or simply seeking a more meaningful connection with your family, knowing your heritage is one of the most valuable possessions you can have.

Many mothers may have recently been forced to be alone, their children and grandchildren keeping their distance to protect them. Most of us have learned to appreciate many things we formerly took for granted, like visiting a loved one. My mother passed away a few years ago—how I miss her. When she was alive, I would often ask her to tell me about her life and her family. I loved her stories about her childhood play on a ranch in Texas as well as details about my grandparents, their parents and even their parents. Family history was important to her.

Mother’s long-term memory was sharp with vivid recall. Not long before she died, we were watching an old movie together when she insisted the lead character was Bette Davis, to which I disagreed. After all, Bette was one of my favorite actresses and I had seen nearly all her movies. I could hardly wait for the credits at the end so I could gloat with glee. However, there it was in black and white—Bette Davis—I was absolutely stunned!

My granddaughters loved to spend time with my mother and hear her stories; they even learned the lost art of crocheting from her. She was quite a comedian, too, although I don’t think she really meant to be funny. She would always break out in a big smile when she made us laugh.

I feel it is so important that we know our story, even if it’s not perfect one. The discovery process is much easier today than it was when my mother was researching her family tree. I can remember filling out the old four-generation family group sheet when I was a teenager, and she was patiently trying to teach me. Now it is easier than working your smart TV. Even getting your DNA is easy and less costly today. In the world of family search, technology has come a long way.

One of my favorite websites is It is a free website where you can set up your own account and discover yourself. You can bring to life your family’s history and explore the lives of those who came before you. Other excellent websites are available for an annual fee as well. I use both and There are many other search sites available for specific requests such as graves or events.

You can also log into, the world’s largest family gone viral. This free virtual RootsTech Conference will be available for the rest of this year for you to enjoy keynote sessions, hands on instruction and other people’s stories. Discover your unique story.
My husband and I teach a free Family History class as well as offer free one-on-one help by appointment. Just email ( or call me (406-544-8365) for more information.

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