Destin Middle School Teacher Receives Rotary Award


Destin Middle School Teacher Receives Rotary AwardMary Lynn Bettinger, Destin Middle School 6th and 7th grade science teacher and Interact Club sponsor, was recently recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow from The Rotary Club of Destin.

The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for the founder, Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905. Rotarians often designate a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives of The Rotary Foundation.

Mary Lynn received this recognition as a special expression of appreciation for her community service and $1000 contribution to the Rotary Foundation in her name. The Rotary Club of Destin sponsors the Destin Middle School Interact Club. As the liaison, Mary Lynn assists in grooming young people for leadership activities prior to high school level and beyond.

A contribution to The Rotary Foundation is an investment in the ideal of good will, peace and understanding. That is an ideal held high by Rotarians the world over, and one that Mary Lynn clearly shares by her commitment to the members of the Destin Middle School Interact Club. Working with such individuals of good will, Rotary believes the ideal will become a reality.

A couple of the standard Interact Club constitution goals are “to recognize and develop constructive leadership and personal integrity” and “to encourage and practice thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others.” To help achieve those goals, the Destin Middle School Interact Club is engaged in numerous community projects such as the Destin Seafood Festival, Destin Fishing Rodeo, and Alaqua Animal Refuge. It also partners with the City of Destin for several events, including one that benefits the Destin Harvest House Food Pantry. The Campus Pride Crew is a committee comprised of students who maintain the gardens and clean up around the school. Other committees include Bulletin Board Builders, New Student Greeters and Teacher Helper Program.

Those who are involved in the Destin Rotary Club believe in the overall philosophy of Rotary, which is ‘Service Above Self.’ This theme is embedded in the four-way test adhered to by members: 1) IS it the truth? 2) IS it fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? and 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” Thanks to Mary Lynn and other DMS teachers, these values are being instilled in the students as well.

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