Destin High School Pep Rally Informs Community


The Governing Board of the new Destin High School (DHS), currently in the planning stages, recently held a Town Hall Pep Rally in the gymnasium of Destin United Methodist Church, the soon to be acquired site of DHS. More than 400 adults and future students learned more about tuition free public charter high school including how to apply for 9th and 10th grade students in DHS’s first 2020-2021 school year. The winners were also announced for the DHS school colors, logo, and mascot contest that was held a few months ago.

The winning entries were:
Colors – Cerulean blue, silver and black from Emily Stephens.
Mascot – Shark, a tie from Gloria Tucker and Brooke O’Keefe.
School Logo – from Briar Ramswell. Thanks to graphic designer Frank Berte, owner of Destin Interactive, a teaser logo was revealed at the Town Hall Pep Rally. Due to the high priority of fund raising and getting students to apply now, the Governing Board made the decision to leave the final logo design and look up to the entering freshman 9th grade class for 2020-21 and let the students take full ownership and pride in their logo.

Fundraising the top priority until DHS is fully operational with state and federal government funding becoming available. Destin residents Allen and Dee Dee Phillips donated a generous $200,000, and others in attendance donated another $22,000 bringing the total raised to $412,707.63 by area businesses, individuals and the community towards the $2 million capital campaign goal. To donate, or for detailed donation information, contact DHS’s fundraising chair and Governing Board Treasurer, Sarah Stone, at (850) 598-6888 or

Also, another major priority is for parents to enroll their 9th and 10th grade students. The initial application period runs now through February 15. Students will be notified after that and the final application process can proceed. Apply on-line now at

To find out more or to volunteer, call (850) 424-1664, or email

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