City of Destin News November 2022


City of Destin to Host “Elf on the Shelf” Christmas Parade
The 38th annual “Elf on the Shelf” Christmas Parade will be held Sat., Dec. 10 at 10 a.m. The floats will begin at the Downtown Destin Shopping Center and travel west down Harbor Blvd. (Hwy 98) to Stahlman Ave. Spectators are asked to stand on the north side of Harbor Boulevard to watch the parade. For those who wish to participate in the parade, fill our the application online at

Applications must be received no later than Thurs., Dec. 1. Drop off in person at the Destin Community Center (101 Stahlman Ave.), fax to 850-654-8998 or email to In lieu of an entry fee, each applicant must donate a toy, which will be given to a local charity. All donations can be dropped off at the Destin Community Center.

Please call 850-654-5184 or email for more information.

Team Destin Joins United way to Help Promote Literacy
On Wednesday, October 26th, members of Team Destin joined the United Way Emerald Coast and built literacy kits to help children ages 4 to 7 in our community. Two teams of 15 employees each, contributed 46.50 volunteer hours which equated to $1,392.67 in in-kind donations. The 500 literacy kits were packed within 36 minutes giving the team who finished first bragging rights. “Being involved and helping our community is what the City of Destin is all about,” stated Deputy City Manager Webb Warren.

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