Beauty Corner: Brighter for the Holidays—to Give or Get!


The gift of a shiny, white smile—now! Are you tired of over-the-counter treatments that don’t work? Try cosmetic teeth whitening, the safest, most comfortable whitening technology, yet offering powerful teeth whitening in just one hour! Give the gift of watching years of teeth stains disappear, leaving a beautiful, glistening white smile.

Natural WhiteSpa results are comparable to dental office treatments and results are comparable, yet ½ the price. And it’s far better than any over-the-counter treatments. Intended for those over age 16 and not pregnant. This month, purchase the Natural WhiteSpa teeth whitening treatment at a special 15% discount for Christmas giving for yourself of that special someone.

And then there’s the new Ultimate Skin Refiner—the amazing gift of brighter, cleaner skin!
After only three treatments of the Ultimate Skin Refiner H2O Facial Treatment, pores are minimized and deeply cleansed, skin tone and texture are refined while potent antioxidants and anti-aging benefits are infused!

The Ultimate Skin Refiner uses a 4-step water facial cleanse to exfoliate, extract and hydrate all in one! It helps remove dead skin cells, extract all the blackheads, resurface the skin, refine fine lines and wrinkles, plump and hydrate, brighten and soften, minimize pores, promote healthy blood circulation and minimize breakouts.

$125 per session. Holiday special: Purchase a package of 6 Ultimate Skin Refiner Sessions for $594.

Purchase a gift certificate for these or any other services or schedule an appointment. Call Krisy at Beverly Hills Day Spa at (850) 654-8544. Visit

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