Baptism is a word not mentioned in the Bible until the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. John the Baptist was a man chosen by God to “make ready the way of the LORD.’ He took his calling very seriously, declaring to his friends and neighbors ‘now is the time’ to prepare for the coming Messiah. Prior to John’s baptisms, there was only a “ceremonial washing” of hands and feet performed daily, to cleanse away the dust and dirt of the world.
John’s baptisms in the Jordan River called for much more of a commitment. His message was to ‘Repent and be baptized, fully immersed and completely cleansed, to be saved from a life of sin.’ His baptism was a ceremonial cleansing of the whole person, spiritually, mentally and physically.
While John only baptized believers in the muddy Jordan River, regular baptisms occur here, in the beautiful, crystal clear waters of the Emerald Coast. Destiny Worship Center in Destin, Florida hosts open baptismal services for anyone who wants to participate in the same ceremony as the very first followers of Jesus Christ. Whole families, as well as a multitude of individuals, sign up to be counted in that number to make a “public confession” of their faith. Henderson Beach, off Hwy 98, opens its gates and welcomes the crowd of participants on each appointed day of the baptismal ceremonies.
The Apostle Paul said it this way in Romans 6:3-4 “Don’t you know that all of us who are baptized in Christ are symbolically ‘buried’ under the water, so that like Christ, who died and was buried but then raised from the dead, we too are raised from the water to a ‘brand new’ life in Christ.”
To learn more about upcoming baptismal ceremonies this summer at Henderson Beach, Visit DestinyWorshipCenter.com or call 850-650-6800 for particular dates and times.
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