Ask Destinites: New City Center – Main Street Complex


By Patricia Lee, Owner

This month in our local Destinites Facebook group, Mayor Bobby Wagner posted about plans for the proposed improvement of the city center area where the new Publix will be located. He presented a drawing of what the complex might look like, including landscaping and the beauty is far beyond what exists there now. You may view the drawing on the mayor’s Facebook page. Here is a list of businesses which could be in the complex surrounding Publix; Example: Retail area, East Parking Deck, West Parking Deck (shared parking with Destin UMC), City Hall, Community Center, Amphitheatre, Residential Over ground Level Retail, Ground Level Retail, Publix Pharmacy Drive-thru ground level, Office Building, and Restaurants. These plans are all proposed, as nothing has yet been decided.
There are 11 bid proposals for the city center complex job. “The winner will work with citizens, the council, and the city staff to create a conceptual site master plan and landscaping.” said Mayor, Wagner.

Numerous citizens responded to the mayor’s city center complex group post with their concerns, opinions and suggestions. Below are some of those replies. These may be viewed in their entirety at

Citizen Replies:

1. “All I can say is I’m happy it sold recently & we now hope to have a chance to partner & make something wonderful there.”
2. “I think the old movie theater would be perfect to place the fishing museum… the schools can take field trips there, watch short films about how Destin evolved, maybe even get some hands-on exhibits. I’m sure there are a dozen captains who would volunteer (off season) to come talk about Destin, fishing, etc.”
3. “Mayor Wagner, so glad you are thinking of expanding the Destin Fishing Museum – they are full to the brim as it is & collection growing – please consider that you could bring the Destin Fishing Museum to the town center & house it in a nice new building adjacent to a gorgeous aquarium full of Gulf marine life – both would be a nice attraction anytime but especially on a rainy day giving our residents & visitors a fabulous Destin / Emerald Coast experience…..”
4. “Looks great! If you are moving the community center and city hall to the new location, what would be done with the current locations?”
5. “I’m confused! Is the city of Destin going to develop land? Typically such renderings and concepts are brought forward by a developer right?”
Mayor Wagner’s Response: “We selected our top design firm last night to give us a plan of what this area can be. We are open to partnerships to make this dream a reality.”
6. “Why would we be willing to spend money on a design like this on a piece of property that my understanding the new owners don’t want. And are not interested?”
…Mayor Wagner’s Response: “Because if we don’t come up with a plan we will watch another developer come in build 600 apartment units and we will be stuck.”
7. “Could there possibly be a place for an open market like the Salty Market to set up? Maybe where the city hall is now?”
8. “Much needed shot in the arm, Gonna be great for the community!”

You may see more comments and replies from the mayor on the Destinites Facebook page. We appreciate his keeping us all informed with his post about the complex and appreciate him actually responding to questions, as they came up.

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