Around Town July 2021


Destin Harbor Capacity Study
The City of Destin has partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers to undertake a Carrying Capacity Study through the Corps of Engineers’ Planning Assistance to States Program. The Harbor Capacity Study will, among other things, focus on the following three goals:
– Protect the environmental health of the harbor and surrounding waterways.
– Promote safety and enjoyment on our local waters.
– Promote the economic viability of businesses operating on or along the Harbor.

Between July 2021 and mid-October 2021, the City of Destin and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be conducting a number of activities to support the Study. All questions should be directed to the Community Development Department at (850) 654-1119 Option 2 or email

Strengthen Your Relationship—The Marriage Course
The Alpha Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions designed to help couples invest in and build a healthy relationship. The course will begin July 19 from 6:30-9 p.m. at The Local Market in Destin and will run for six more Mondays. There is no charge for the course and dinner is included. Non-married couples in long-term committed relationships are also warmly welcomed. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations and to: Communicate more effectively, understand each other’s needs, resolve conflict, recognize how upbringing affects your relationship, and develop greater sexual intimacy. Each session involves video talks and discussion between the couple. Couples do not have to share with other couples – it is totally private! To participate, register at There is no cost for the course and journals will be provided. For details visit or email

Rotary Club of Destin Donates to Local Charities
Outgoing Destin Rotary President Clayton Hicks proudly presented Harvest House Destin and the Mattie Kelly Arts Foundation with a check for $5,000, supporting their missions.


City of Destin Seeking Citizen Input for Beach Experience Survey
The City of Destin is continuing its partnership with The Haas Center at the University of West Florida by conducting a survey regarding public beach access and the public’s experience with Destin’s beaches. Beach patrons will see signage at each city operated beach park and trail with two ways to access the survey. They can visit or scan the sign’s QR code with their mobile device. The City of Destin appreciates the public’s time and effort in assisting us on this survey, which will aide city officials in making improvements for city residents and visitors.





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