Aletha’s Hope Providing Aid to Liberian Orphans


To us locals, Zhalman Harris is one of the best photographers in the area. If you attend any area event, you are likely to see him behind the camera asking you for your best smile and pose. But there’s more to the man behind the camera.

He has teamed up with local nurse practitioner Janet Reeves who shares his passion for helping under privileged orphans in Liberia. Amazingly, they were introduced by a mutual friend and within four weeks were in Liberia, West Africa, with 250 lbs. of clothing, flip flops, vitamins and toys. “We adopted this orphanage with 60 kids and we are determined to change their lives for the better,” says Zhalman, “by improving their living conditions and their health.”

Zhalman says it is because of the support of the local community and others that Aletha’s Hope, the non-profit established to provide orphanages in Liberia with the tools they need to become self-sufficient, will be traveling back to Liberia on Nov. 10 with the intention of staying longer and having a greater impact.

Their mission includes the following:
Medical Care: Providing all the children with a medical check-up, vitamins, and medications.
Rehabilitate the children’s living quarters: new roof, paint and repair the building, put new screens on windows, provide solar power energy.
Establish better sleeping arrangements for the 60 children: provide mosquito nets, buy new mattresses.

You can help in the following ways:
Write a check made out to Faith Assembly and put in the memo “Mission Liberia” or “Aletha’s Hope.” Mail to: Aletha’s Hope, P.O. Box 1824, Destin, FL 32540
Visit the website and donate through via the website.

For more information, email

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