A Superior Honors Vets/First Responders: Next Luncheon July 11


In April, A Superior Air Conditioning Company held its second quarterly Veterans & First Responders Appreciation Lunch of the year at Faith Assembly Christian Church, aka The Rock n Roll Church in Miramar Beach. Veterans and First Responders are encouraged to apply online at ASuperiorAC.com for the Free HVAC Giveaway each quarter.
One First Responder nominated a fellow teammate from the Walton County Sheriff’s Office for the giveaway. “He has worked with our agency for 20-plus years,” the application began. “In 2009, he was involved in an on-duty shooting where he and other deputies apprehended a man who succumbed to his injuries and was responsible for two Okaloosa Deputies’ murders, Burt Lopez and Skip York. After this traumatic incident, he transferred as lieutenant over the Communications Division, where he flourished in his career. Working now with more than 40 women can be quite challenging, but he has created a fantastic team of unsung heroes who rarely get the credit they deserve. He takes on many tasks, including our county’s latest radio tower project, which is a huge undertaking.

“While he is no longer on patrol and in the background, I assure you if he were gone for a week, the ripple effect would be felt all over the agency. I appreciate all he does and cannot think of anyone more deserving of this than him and his family. He lives in a modest home with his wife and 17-year-old son, and there is no central air conditioning unit for their home. They have a window unit in one area of their house to bring some relief from the heat. Thank you for considering this selfless man for your HVAC giveaway.”

With that, Jimmy Dallas from A Superior announced the Q2 HVAC Winner, Jason Hall, who stood as all applauded. Sometimes these events get emotional, and this lunch was no exception. When a hardworking individual puts his life on the line to keep others safe – whether safe in our communities or safe in our country – he deserves recognition, appreciation and big thanks from the community. That is why A Superior Air Conditioning Co. started this appreciation event eight years ago. That is why we choose to give away eight units a year to first responders and veterans in need. That is why this event is not only still going strong, but it also continues to flourish and grow as word of mouth spreads and more members of the community join us to give their appreciation.

Will you join us? Our next lunch takes place on Tuesday, July 11, at Faith Assembly Christian Church, 306 S. Geronimo St. in Miramar Beach, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please help us spread the word to every veteran and first responder you know!

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