A Pastor’s Ponderings (by Rev. Pete Hyde)


A Pastor’s Ponderings

by Rev. Pete Hyde

The big event was over. The crowds had all dispersed. There was nothing left but the quiet buzz of remaining rumors and shoulder shrugging. What had just happened? Just as quickly as the events transpired, they withered. Even the most fervent followers had disappeared. No more proclaiming the presence of the Messiah. No more lashing out at the temple authorities. They had all scattered at the first sign of conflict. One betrayed him and then killed himself. The one who seemed to be the spokesman of the group denied him. Once leading the parade, they now crept in the dark shadowy allies of Jerusalem hoping — no, praying — that no one would recognize them as one of His followers. But now it was finished. Had they stayed with Him during His hours of trial, they would have heard Him proclaim, “It is finished.”

The questions came as they secretly gathered back together. Now what? Three years wasted? Were we scammed? Can I return home after having left everything to follow Him? Was the resurrection true?

He appeared to them to prove himself to them “again” and told them to wait. Wait? What kind of request was that? After all that happened, they were just supposed to wait? They must have chafed at His instructions to “wait for the promise of the Father in Jerusalem.” They were men of action. Why did they have to wait for God to give them the Holy Spirit? Why couldn’t they go out and start ministering right away? Why couldn’t they just get on with it? Wait? Wait for what? Let’s strike now before everyone forgets what just happened.

A small boy had been told that he must always wait patiently until he was served at meals and not draw attention to himself. One day he was eating at a friend’s house with his mother, and somehow he was overlooked. Nobody noticed, and for a time he was patient, but at last he could stand it no longer. Leaning across to his mother, he said in an audible whisper: “Mom, do little boys who starve to death go to heaven?” The little boy echoes our concern. When have we waited long enough?

Jesus knew his disciples needed time to reflect on their experiences with him. They needed time for everything to come together in their own hearts and minds. Then they would be ready to receive the Holy Spirit. Then they would be ready to see the world through Christ’s eyes.

Sometimes when God slows us down and tells to wait, circumstances are not right. Sometimes we are not right with him or others. But we can be sure of one thing.  Delays do not mean God is not with us. When God tells us to wait, it is because God has something greater in store for us.

Yes, Lord, the message is for me today. But I still don’t like waiting. Help my impatience with Your timing. Amen.

Rev. J. Pete Hyde is Pastor of Santa Rosa Beach Community Church


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