Letter from the Mayor


Please join us on May 30th for the 62nd Annual Blessing of the Fleet on Destin Harbor. This has been a time honored tradition that our city is proud of and for me, it has been a privilege to be a part of it. It is an opportunity for our local faith based organizations to provide a blessing over our Destin Fishing Fleet and to pray for those who make their living on the sea. Throughout the Week of Blessings, there are many family oriented activities that help support our great community and I encourage all of you to come.

Thank you to all the Destin-area churches, businesses and civic leaders who have supported this tradition for over 60 years. We are all truly blessed to live, work and play in Destin. I am grateful to all those who have preserved the foundations of our city and reminding us the significant role our fishing fleet and fisherman have played in the past and will play well into the future of the City of Destin.
-Mayor Gary Jarvis

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