Just Sayin’


She Is…

by Shane D’Fury

She is warm, comfortable to hold against my chest.

She’s an effective thought, the perfect spark to ignite a flame

subdued by time, and means lacking. She’s pure in intent, strong and

supportive, and open, and emotional.She’s fiery when required, yet

gentle, naturally. She rides or dies, but mostly rides cause she’s that

kind of girl; and who needs that other stuff?


She sings because it’s a healer, not merely cause she can. She cuddles,

She’s not needy. She owns me, yet isn’t possessive. She conjures

stirrings of overcoming regardless of the obstacles’ facade. She’s right,

always, cause she’s right for me. I love her unequivocally, and without

fear, and on purpose.


She’s wild, she’s free. She doesn’t conform to any ideology, especially

unverified. She’s fearless to speak her truth when necessary, which is

always. She sees through me, and I’m ok with that. We communicate

effectively, hardly any words necessary. She’s passionate, and not evil, nor  

materialistic. She has everything, as she needs nothing.


She is childlike, not childish. A woman of virtue and patience, and more

patience, cause it’s required to handle a contorted mind, and a broken

heart. She’s timeless, and natural, and beautiful within and without.

She is…

My Dream Girl.


Shane D’Fury, a South Walton local, is a multifaceted artist whose gifts are reminiscent of the Golden Age of Hollywood, when Fred Astaire swept the screen with Ginger Rogers and talent reigned supreme. With the romance of a poet, the magic of a musician, and moves filled with grace and power Shane D’Fury entertains like no other.

You can find Mr. D’Fury performing up and down 30A.

To listen to an interview with Shane please visit:



To hear Shane D’Fury’s music and purchase songs please visit:

Shane D’Fury at: Listen@cdbaby.com


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