Temple Beth Shalom Gets a New Rabbi!


After more than 30 years, Temple Beth Shalom in Ft. Walton Beach has a full time Rabbi. “Our community has been led by lay leaders and student rabbis for three decades,” says member Kandyce Silver. She and her husband, Dr. Mitch Silver, came into contact with so many Jewish people in the community who could not imagine participating in the synagogue, because there was not a “real rabbi” leading the congregation. But recently, a committee was formed to conduct a search. These members signed up to help make the dream a reality!

Rabbi M. Robert Delcau (Rabbi D) though born in New Rochelle, N.Y., grew up outside Nashville. Along his path, he attended Tennessee State University and completed a degree in civil engineering. Working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, his career path led him to pursue a graduate degree in hydraulic river engineering at Colorado State University. At CSU, Rabbi Delcau became heavily involved in Hillel of Colorado, the Jewish organization on campus. It was this time that reconnected him with Judaism from an adult perspective. It reignited his childhood interest in becoming a rabbi. Rabbi Delcau was ordained from HUC-JIR in Cincinnati in 2008.

Rabbi Delcau’s passion is teaching Judaism to all ages and believes in providing spiritual sustenance for Jew and non-Jew alike. He says he is focused on engaging congregants in dialogue about classical Jewish text, modern Jewish thought and meaningful prayer. An accomplished spiritual service leader, Rabbi Delcau uses his love of music and guitar to foster a spiritual and energetic connection with the members of Temple Beth Shalom and the greater Emerald Coast.

Rabbi D is often noted for sharing his main sermon regarding life from a Jewish perspective. “Our goal and obligation as Jews is simple to understand. It is to make the world a better place.” As such, Rabbi Delcau is committed to engaging in social action work here on the Emerald Coast. Before even setting foot in the Ft. Walton Beach area, the United Way as him to serve on the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) funding committee for Okaloosa County. “I was honored to be a part of this hands-on work that truly makes a difference right here in our area,” stated Rabbi Delcau.

The rabbi is also a committed advocate for the State of Israel. As such, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) recognized him as part of the first Rabbinical Advocacy mission in the history of the lobbying organization in the summer of 2014. He flew to Israel with a small team of rabbis to discuss up-close issues regarding the U.S.-Israel relationship. He seeks to be a part of the greater peace process in the Middle East and has also engaged in efforts such as lobbying public officials in Washington, D.C. to prevent nuclear weaponry in the region.

​Before coming to Ft. Walton Beach, Rabbi Delcau spent several years in Washington State where he merged his spiritual connection to the outdoors with his passion for sharing Judaism both in the Cascade mountains as a rabbi/ski instructor and serving as the rabbi of Congregation Beth Hatikvah in Bremerton, Wa. on the Olympic Peninsula.

​Prior to that period, he served as the Senior Rabbi of Temple Judea of Bucks County in Doylestown. Finally, Rabbi Delcau was an Assistant Rabbi and then an Associate Rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Denver, Colo., where he was an active member of the Rocky Mountain Rabbinical Council and sat on the board of trustees of both Hillel of Colorado and the Jewish National Fund.

Rabbi Delcau says he looks forward to connecting his Judaic interests with his love of the outdoors here on the Emerald Coast. Of course, he will continue his passions for skiing and hiking. Yet, we might find him sharing prayer on the beach, on the golf course, or on a dive boat as well. “God has a plan. I am simply along for the ride,” he says.

“We and the local Jewish community are very excited and grateful for this ‘new burst of energy and connection’ and look forward to years of growth and enjoyment,” says Kandyce. Rabbi Delcau and his daughters, Shira and Maya, are also very excited to be a part of and share this vision with the Jewish community of the Emerald Coast. “This is such a blessing for our community,” says Kandyce. “Our son will be the first Bar Mitzvah this fall under the guidance of Rabbi D!”

For more information contact Temple Beth Shalom, 227 Beal Parkway N.W. at Nature’s Trail Court N.W. in Ft. Walton Beach, at 850-862-6086 or visit shalom-at-tbsfwb.com.

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