2020 OAA Poster Contest!


The Okaloosa Arts Alliance (OAA) invites all K-12th grade Okaloosa County School students to participate in the 11th Annual OAA Okaloosa County School Poster Contest. Due to school closures and COVID-19, this year will be a virtual contest and gallery.

The OAA wants to know what your favorite thing has been during this time of social distancing. It can be family time (like riding bikes) or seeing someone doing a good deed (like doctors and nurses) or your favorite activity (like reading a good book) or whatever you consider special during the COVID-19 pandemic. The artwork can be anything you can create on paper with markers, pencils, paint, pastels, charcoal, or crayons.

Any K-12th grade Okaloosa County School student is eligible; entries can be submitted by any Okaloosa County School or any individual student. The poster contest deadline is May 22, 2020. Please submit only one entry per student. Posters should be saved with the student’s name and grade as a .pdf or .jpg at the highest quality. Please submit your entry via email attachment to amybaty1@gmail.com and “OAA Poster Contest” in the subject line; put your name, grade, and school name in the email body. Please note that by entering the contest you are giving the Okaloosa Arts Alliance permission to add your poster contest entry on the OAA website and social media. All the entries will be on the Okaloosa Arts Alliance website.

There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner for three elementary school students (K-4), for three middle school students (5-7), and for three high school students (8-12) in Okaloosa County. Each 1st place winner will receive a $75 gift card, each 2nd place winner will receive a $50 gift card and each 3rd place winner will receive a $25 gift card in the mail. Winners of the contest will be announced via email, Facebook and the OAA website on Thurs, May 28, 2020 by 5 p.m.

For information on the Okaloosa Arts Alliance, go to www.okaloosaarts.org.

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