Peace of Mind in Retirement


By Bobby McFerrin, Gulf Financial

Welcome dear reader. I’m glad to have you here with me and hope to share insights into the quest for joy and peace in retirement. As the leader of Gulf Financial, you might expect me to say that money has a lot to do with happiness in retirement. That is far from the truth. In my years of experience, happy retirees have a few unique ways of looking at life that yield living dividends day after day.

We live faithfully in the present moment a day at a time. Do you remember when you were a kid, school was out and a summer day seemed to last forever? Peaceful retirees have a way of experiencing the day with that same sort of wonder and excitement. It is good to exist in the present moment, free of resentment, anger or worry about the future. This is the day that God made. Rejoice and be glad in it for it will not come again.

Upon awakening, many find that prayer and meditation help them to think about the 24 Hours ahead with a clear head. They ask for truth and love to direct their thinking and that it be divorced from self-pity or self-seeking motives. Under these conditions, one can employ their mental faculties with assurance; for, after all, God gave us brains to use. Our thought-life will be placed on a much higher plane if cleared of wrong motives and thoughts of the past or fears of the future.

In thinking about our day, we might face indecision or difficulties. Here we can ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle and the right answers seem to come. We can take on the day a step or decision at a time and know that all will be good. There is only so much we can do in a given day. It is enough to know that we did, with God’s help, the best we could. If we were honest and helpful, loving and kind, we can lay our head on the pillow at night in peaceful sleep. Stay tuned next month for more thoughts on living a happy retirement.

“Don’t Worry. Be Happy”

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