From the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Eric Aden


Did you know there were 408 vehicle burglaries & 176 firearms stolen in Okaloosa County in 2020. 95% of the vehicles were left unlocked.

Auto Burglary & Theft Prevention Tips
• Close your windows & Lock your doors (the simplest & easiest prevention technique.)
• Take your keys with you.
• Remove (Hide) valuables or place them in the trunk of your auto- mobile.
• Remove “pull-out” style radio face plates (if equipped.)
• Park in well-lit areas when possible.
• Park where your car will be easily & frequently viewed.
• Park in your garage if you have one.
• Use a car alarm, it will alert anyone nearby.

Burglary & Neighborhood Watch Information

Report It: Register all your valuable property online. The information you enter is completely secure and you can access the information from anywhere with the internet access using username and password. Make your neighborhood safer by communicating safely with your neighbors and receiving crime information from the Sheriff’s Office.

Neighbors by Ring: Real time crime and safety alerts from your neighbors. Always know when and where things are happening in your area, and share updates to keep your community informed.

Neighborhood Watch: Neighbors working with law enforcement to prevent crime and improve their neighborhoods.

If you are interested in more information about neighborhood watch or burglary prevention information, contact Ashley Bailey at the OCSO Crime Prevention Unit,, (850) 259-0031.

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