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Stephanie McMinn felt the call to help others in 2010.  “It came from a desire to do more,” said McMinn.  She...

Community Notes

Beachfront Property Owners Bring Federal Case The beach access issue is heating up once again, this time reaching the Federal District Court...
I bet most of you with kids that are back in school have a budding athlete. Being an ex-bleacher mom myself...
By Wendy Christian Whitney Rachel-learning-and-serving-the-children-of-KenyaWe are fortunate to live in a country that will generously, charitably provide for people who cannot provide...
Furniture South of Santa Rosa Beach was recently included in Beyond the Top 100, a compilation of furniture stores that are...
From the desk of Sheriff Michael Adkinson, Jr. The Office of the Sheriff is the oldest office of government still in...
What do summer, sundaes, and senior smiles have in common? At Somerby Senior Living, this was a magical recipe for fun. The...
On Wednesday, July 19th Walton County Commission Chairwoman...
By: Maurice Stouse An important part of everyone’s financial life is money in the bank.  Having money in the bank has implications...
The Green Thumb Garden Club...