Alaqua’s Rescue Me Event May 14-17


Alaqua is excited to introduce its newest event, Rescue Me, which will take place May 14-17, 2020. It includes an Online Silent Auction and an Exclusive Live Webcast.
Mark your calendars and stay up-to-date on the latest information by visiting the Alaqua Facebook Event Page. Learn more about the event and how you can participate in the fun.
Rescue Me was created to help Alaqua supplement the loss of two signature fundraisers this past spring which were canceled due to the need for social distancing and ensuring our patrons’ safety. “These annual events were a devastating blow to our organization, as they provided a significant portion of critical funding to be able to meet the needs of animals in our care and keep the Refuge functional, including its day-to-day operations and provision of services and programs to continue our mission,” says Alaqua founder Laurie Hood. With your continued support, we can make sure that every abused, neglected, and homeless animal gets a second chance at life, happiness, and most of all, love.”

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