Destin Library Celebrates 20 Years!


The Destin Library is celebrating 20 years in its current Sibert Ave. building on March 17, and an entire week of festivities is planned to mark the occasion. On Friday, March 10 at 6 p.m., the celebration begins with a Spring Fling on the lawn including face painting, lawn games and craft activities. All ages are welcome.

Throughout the day on Monday 13, there will be a special origami craft for patrons to try. On Tuesday, March 14 at 2 p.m., author and Coast Guard veteran Ashlee Leppert will offer an inspirational talk centered around her book. There will be a Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday, March 15 with prizes for everyone who completes the hunt, and guests can test their Destin Library knowledge with a Trivia Challenge on Thursday, March 16.

On Friday, March 17 at 4 p.m., the 20th Anniversary wraps up with a special reception and panel talk with notable library figures including former Library Director Jurate Burns and Pat Ballisch of DAG Architects, the lead designer of the award-winning library building. “Even before the Library was built, I was collecting pieces for it,” said Burns. “I bought the portholes for the boat storytelling room, and the anchor was donated by Chester Kroeger, who was the founder of Fudpucker’s.” Burns said the Destin Library Friends Guild provided over $100,000 in statues and other extras that make the Library unique. “A lot of love went into that building,” she said.

“The architects even allowed me to pick the colors – different shades of green – inside and out.” Guests at the reception will be able to ask questions and view displays of library artifacts. Registration for the reception will open on March 6. To register, go to, click on the 20th Anniversary Reception event, and fill out the form under the event details. Registration will be required to attend as seating is limited. Light refreshments will be served while the panelists talk about library history.

For questions, contact the Destin Library at 850-837-8572 or

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