Want to Help Make Paradise Even Better?


From the Mayor’s Office

As your new mayor, I am honored to lead our community forward to better serve the residents, small businesses, and tourists—in that order. But I cannot do it alone.

Are you looking to make a positive change in Destin?

Destin needs passionate residents looking to improve their community through critical and creative thinking. With a newly elected 2022-2026 Destin City Council, it is now time to appoint citizens to Destin’s trusted advisory boards and committees to help lead Destin forward with a local voice.

Committee volunteers are appointed officials by city council members. Your role will be to evaluate new ideas and issues facing the city, collaborate with city staff and fellow committee members at meetings, and create well-crafted recommendations to present to the council that will solve problems and improve the quality of life for all.

For positive change to take place, we each must BE the change we wish to see!

Currently, the city has seven different committees/boards with twenty-three openings to fill. Please review the following committees/boards and consider joining the one that calls to you. Thank you for taking the time to consider the possibility of serving Destin by being on a committee/board.

With service in mind,
Bobby Wagner
Mayor of Destin

Please apply at:  https://www.cityofdestin.com/volunteer

For more information about how to join a city committee, please get in touch with City Clerk Rey Bailey at (850) 837-4242.Below is a list of all committees/boards with their descriptions:

Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment’s role is to hear and decide upon applications for variances, special exceptions, and administrative appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of any zoning ordinance. Members of the Board of Adjustment are required to file an annual Financial Disclosure form for which there is an automatic per day penalty imposed by the Ethics Commission for late filing.
Meetings: First Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., as needed

Parks & Recreation Committee
This committee focuses on environmental issues that will improve the appearance, aesthetics and ecological quality of life for our community. The committee also identifies and recommends to the City Council projects relating to recreational matters, including the need for additional parks and recreational programs and facilities for the citizens and visitors of Destin. The committee shall also perform such duties and services as may be assigned to it by the City Council.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m.

Harbor & Waterways Board
The purpose of the Harbor Board is to inventory all existing and potential sources of pollution; to monitor the overall condition of Destin Harbor; to review and recommend plans for future growth development of Destin Harbor, including the review of projects requested to be located on the harbor; and to review plans for development on the waterways of Destin, including Choctawhatchee Bay, bayous, and other estuaries. Meetings: Fourth Monday of each month at 5 p.m.

Harbor Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee
The Harbor CRAAC was created to provide recommendations to the CRA Board of Directors on how best to implement the adopted Harbor CRA Plan.
Meetings: Second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Local Planning Agency
Recently revamped in responsibility, the Local Planning Agency’s major focus is to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council on matters relating to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code amendments, re-zonings, and vacations of rights-of-way/easements. Members of the Local Planning Agency are required to file an annual Financial Disclosure form for which there is an automatic per day penalty imposed by the Ethics Commission for late filing.
Meetings: First and Fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Public Works/Public Safety Committee
The Public Works/Public Safety Committee’s role is to identify and review various functional areas relating to public works, including street construction and maintenance, public parking areas, sidewalks, city rights-of-way and the like; assess the need for projects relating to matters of public safety including, but not limited to traffic signals, street lights, crosswalks and the like and to make recommendations to the City Council.
Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

Town Center Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee
The Town Center CRAAC was created to provide recommendations to the CRA Board of Directors (City Council) on how best to implement and improve Main Street and surrounding areas inside the adopted Town Center CRA Plan.
Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.

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