Simplifying Medicare Advantage Plans for Seniors


Greg DuretteBy Greg Durette

What could be more simple than picking the right Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plan for you?! HAH! When you stop laughing (or crying), understand, you are not alone. This is the time of year when you have the opportunity to review your Medicare coverage and make important decisions about what you will have for this coming year.

One of the suggestions I offer to beneficiaries every year is to get started on this process now. By doing so, you’ll have plenty of time to review your options before the Annual Election Period beginning on October 15th, ends on December 7th.

Choosing the right health insurance benefits can be confusing at any age but, understanding healthcare options for those 65 and older can be even more difficult. This already complex system is further muddied by the barrage of annual advertising from insurance and marketing companies. TV, snail mail, email and a whole host of celebrities are coming at you in a full-scale onslaught. Let the buyer beware!!!

I suggest these important points be considered when shopping for Medicare Advantage plans:

Choice: When it comes to Medicare, one size does not fit all – what works for your neighbor may not work for you. Take the time to learn and understand the benefits and costs of each plan so you can feel confident in your decision and health care coverage.

Care: Care starts with a strong relationship with your primary care provider. If your plan has a network, make sure to confirm your doctors and hospitals are in the network.

Reach: Make sure your plan will follow you around the country should a need or desire for travel exists. Out-of-network costs can be very high if this risk is not managed upfront.

Medications: Make sure to confirm you know your medications are not only covered but also, what copay costs may be associated with each.

Experience: Medicare can be complex and confusing. It’s important to find a seasoned agent that works for you and supports you throughout your health care journey with plan benefits and resources that can help you live more and worry less.

Since Medicare Advantage Plans are offered by insurance companies, one excellent feature is they have more freedom and motivation to include extra benefits such as vision, gym memberships, dental, hearing and more.

Celebrities are great at acting or playing sports. They do not know anything about Medicare except for what they have been told to say to a camera. Find someone local you can ask the important questions you have about your personal situation, and you will likely have a much better healthcare outcome.

Greg Durette is a qualified, licensed agent with Florida Health Connector providing Medicare Advantage, Supplement plans and Stand-Alone Drug Plans throughout the State and is based in Niceville. He has been in the insurance industry for over 39 years and can be reached at his office at 850-842-2400 or his mobile at 978-509-2941.

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