Exercise is a Mom’s Best Friend


Fitness Lisa TurpinBy Lisa Leath Turpin, Health & Fitness Coach

It’s hard to find time to exercise when you are a mom. I know this from my own experience and through dealing with my clients’ schedules. Many moms have a lot of guilt taking the time for themselves; thus, feeling selfish for doing so. Viewing exercise as a luxury instead of a necessity couldn’t be more wrong. Just like the instructions on an airplane to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, because that way you can be alert and helpful to your loved ones, you must take care of your health and well-being in order to have strength, endurance, stamina and a clear mind to meet your heavy demands as a mother. What you commit to now will either make your life better, happier and strong, or cumbersome and tiresome as you age. Small children have tons of energy and need to be held.

Grandparents are finally learning that exercise is essential to be able to keep up. Moms, while young, take this for granted. But, no matter what your age, staying active and exercising makes all stages of life easier.

Set a goal: General Fitness is a GREAT overall “life goal,” but on top of that, set a goal such as a family trip or class reunion you want to look and feel good for.

Time/Day: Set a routine. Make your workouts on the same days at a consistent time of the week, just like a work appointment. Schedule it so that it makes sense and you won’t have to stress over it. This way you can work your other appointments and life around it. Even if you work out at home, this will give you the most success in your efforts. Nothing can get in the way.

Comradery: Work out with your kids, some friends or a partner. I am a witness to the benefits of working out with your friends in a private group. I have several groups I train and they keep each other accountable as well as catch up on life events and buddie time. Many of my groups have been together now more than 10 years! I’m so proud of them, and they look great and have fun together! They very rarely miss, because they are there for each other to cheer and encourage.

Moms are wonderful and wear so many hats. Keep yourself healthy for the sake of your family! They will thank you for being the best, most calm you, because you took the time to detach just long enough to train yourself to handle the rest of what comes your way!
Happy Mother’s Day! Be Active – Stay Active!!

Lisa Turpin is a degreed and certified health and fitness lifestyle coach who has devoted her life to motivating and strengthening the bodies and minds of others. With more than 20 years’ experience as a group exercise leader and an independent personal trainer in the Destin area, she is diverse and extensively trained in classical and modern Pilates, lifestyle management, personal training, group exercise and post-rehabilitation.

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