City of Destin Recovers After Hurricane Sally


Mayor Jarvis The City of Destin remained resolute throughout the storm and began the recovery work process as soon as it was safe to do so after Hurricane Sally made landfall. City staff worked around the clock, responding to multiple flood and drainage issues as well as clearing trees from roadways. Multiple pumps were deployed throughout the city, pumping water out of low-lying areas to help reduce flooding. Our city worked with the county and state emergency operations centers to obtain additional physical assets to further aid in storm relief efforts. City staff assessed, repaired, cleaned public facilities and parks; assisted residents, worked with partner agencies to include the Okaloosa Sheriff’s Office, Okaloosa County Emergency Management, Destin Water Users, Destin Fire Control District and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and inspecting facilities throughout the City to ensure they were safe. Our public works staff also assisted the county by removing debris from Okaloosa Island with the city’s street sweeper.

Prior to landfall, our city manager, Lance Johnson, was expeditious in signing a Local State of Emergency, which allowed the city to seek additional help, resources and apply for reimbursement for expenses incurred in its efforts to protect life and property related to Hurricane Sally. The action was later ratified by the Destin City Council on Monday, September 21st, 2020. I am proud of the response and mitigation efforts of our city personnel and to the community members who came to assist in the clean-up efforts. We are a strong community and will always come together in our time of need. We encourage everyone to please stay tuned to the City of Destin’s website at and Facebook page for information and check out the city’s hurricane guide at Remember, hurricane season runs until November 30th and this guide is designed to provide valuable information that you can use before, during and after a storm. Stay safe!

– Mayor Gary Jarvis

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