“No Quarantine 15”


By Lisa Leath Turpin, Health and Wellness Coach

Do you remember the college “Freshman 15”? Eat anything you feel like, play hard, drink more and watch movies. It’s easy to gain weight when you are eating more and moving less, which is exactly what’s happening to many people currently during this quarantine time. What can you do to avoid the “Quarantine 15”? I’m actually setting some goals of my own that I haven’t really had regular time for. I’m not a runner, but it’s been an interest of mine. So, while I’m unable to teach classes, I’m going to start running for distance and time.

WHAT TO EXPECT: I’m starting off slowly and my muscles are hitting fatigue as if I do nothing. That’s how training goes. All types of activities and fitness choices are progressive, so don’t jump into it full out and expect to be good at it immediately or without any “growing pains” involved. Put me on my bike, and I can practically go all day because I’ve been teaching spin class twice a week—I’m already somewhat “trained”/acclimated. Accept this challenge. If you’ve been doing nothing, here’s your chance to start with enough time to progress at your own pace.

There is one question I get asked the most, “What’s the best exercise?” In simple terms, the best exercise is one you will do and stick with. That’s why there are so many different options to exercise. Finding the right modality for you is as individual as you are. When this is over, our time will be very scarce and valuable. If you use this down time to get ahead health and fitness wise, you will be able to continue training more efficiently instead of trying to start exercising while you’re restarting everything else. You will also raise your happy hormones. (See March 2020 article in Destin Life.)

How do you get started or maintain your current fitness level while the gyms are closed?

Tip 1: Create an area in your home or yard and gather things in your house that can be used for working out: a sturdy coffee table, chair, stairs, jump rope, shopping bags, (I have reusable ones from Publix and Fresh Market), backpack, paper plates as gliding discs, or any home gym equipment you have purchased. A big physioball (large exercise ball) has multiple uses and can take the place of a bench in several strength exercises while adding the element of core stability. Shopping bags can be filled, weighed to make them equal, then used for shoulder work, biceps, triceps, back rows or even in place of kettle bell exercises. Do yoga and/or Pilates.

Tip 2: Fill zip lock baggies with SAND and weigh them. If you can, make them 5 lbs. each, make as many as you want. (i.e. 5 sandbags = 25 lbs.) Layer them in the shopping bag or backpack and there is your weight easily changed for the varying strengths of different body parts.

Tip 3: Use your smartphone timer or download a timer app onto your PC or Smartphone. I use “Boxing Timer Pro” the most, but an app called “Seconds” has some premade workouts to follow. Use it to design your own circuit—movement to timed intervals is an easy and fun way to hit multiple body parts. YouTube has a plethora of videos to workout with, but warning; be careful because there’s some contraindicated (unsafe) ones out there.

IMMUNITY TIPS: Exercise raises your immune system, in many cases as much as 30%, and experts are saying zinc is a huge help with the Corona Virus. Meat, red meat being highest, and cashews and chickpeas/garbanzo beans are excellent sources of zinc naturally. Supporting your gut health will also significantly raise your immune system. Pre- and Probiotics are essential. Drink at least 32 ounces of water per day.

Lisa Turpin is a degreed and certified health and fitness lifestyle coach who has devoted her life to motivating and strengthening the body and minds of others. With over 20 years’ experience as a group exercise leader at Destin Health & Fitness and an independent personal trainer in the Destin area, she is diverse and extensively trained in classical and modern Pilates, lifestyle management, personal training, group exercise, and post-rehabilitation. She is currently taking on new clients/participants; text only to 850-974-2005. Be on the lookout for her new Facebook Page or friend her on her personal one.

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